Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Tesla Model S - an Electric Car for 50K

Meet the Tesla Model S, an Electric Car for a mere 50K. It can go 300 miles on one charge and can charge within 45 minutes. Tesla Motors was founded by Elon Musk, a co-founder of PayPal. There is a 17 inch flat panel on the dashboard for the controls and comes with 3G (net access). You can surf the net or check email while you drive (sounds a bit dangerous to me). Now California may need to add another law in addition to no texting while driving and no talking on the cell phone while driving.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stars&Stripes: The White Stripes Reimagines - FREE Album

Stars&Stripes: The White Stripes Reimagines is a FREE album by Adrian Champion. This is a 13 track album remix of the White Stripes and some major hip hop artists such as Jay-Z, Eminem, Kanye, Outkast, etc. A mashup of hip hop and the White Stripes. It is a FREE album. Good music for a good price ($0).